Monday, September 15, 2014

Learning: They Can't Take It From You

At S.E.E.D.S. we think learning and education are naturally occurring parts of life; they are not rights nor privileges.  They will occur with or without a teacher, peers or schools being present.  As socially responsible adults and basically good decent human beings, we believe each child should have the opportunity to learn to be a life long learner.  This is the basic tool to develop effective critical thinking.  It improves their ability to survive and use their resources to sustain themselves, their families, and humanity.  The natural ability to learn can be nurtured, fostered, protected and enriched by astute parents, early care givers and educators who promote and celebrate the child's innate curiosity and learning. With their curiosity intact, these children grow and progress through life with essential knowledge and skills to successfully guide them.   They will have learned how to learn, to become their own best teachers, and to be life long learners.  At this point, no one can take away their learning.

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