S.E.E.D.S. aims to develop as fully as possible the
potential the young minds of children.
By nurturing, fostering, protecting and enriching their early education,
we strive to free their minds from the limitations that may be imposed,
consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, by others or by the
children themselves.
Children’s minds
are like sponges.
From the protective
environment of the womb, they enter a world filled with diverse stimuli.
Their very survival depends on their
interactions with the environment.
first three years are the critical formative years that impact the rest of
their lives.
An unfortunate fact of
circumstances often occurs at birth.
Many children are born into poverty.
Their families struggle to make ends meet.
Preschool education is often deemed a luxury
rather than a necessity.
What is the
freedom referred to in George Washington Carver’s quote?
Freedom is an abstract term.
As such, people can read into it as they
The world is filled with challenges.
At S.E.E.D.S. we see education as a critical
function to overcome many obstacles in a person’s life (e.g. conflict and
prejudice, among others).
Education also
holds the key to understanding and peace.
Basically, S.E.E.D.S. strives for the free intellectual development of
all children as good, decent human beings.
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