The term
Ubuntu can
roughly be translated into several different things including “Human-ness”. The
most common definition for this African term is “I am, because we are.” There
are different ways to interpret this saying but in essence it encourages people
to put aside selfishness and embrace a sense of caring, empathy, love and
generosity toward all peoples. It does not advocate for revenge and
selfishness. Ubuntu encourages community. It encourages people to take a step
back from themselves and see what they can do for others. This is a concept we
have drastically moved away from as a society.
The core concepts behind Ubuntu are important when
considering how we raise the children of the next generations. If you take a
step back and look at the children of the current generation, and those soon to
come you see a trend developing. People are becoming exceedingly more selfish,
self-focused, in need of instant gratification and have a sense of
competitiveness, which knows no bounds. The sense of competitiveness is fueled
by the perspective that you always need to have more or be better than other
people. This may be fueled by the perception that things are limited. But they are
just that, things. This viewpoint stems from a sense of selfishness and fear. Many
people say selfishness is innate. And to a certain point that may be true, but
with concepts like Ubuntu, it’s possible to move away from that perspective and
create a shift in thinking. It is imperative to teach a sense of human-ness to
children from a young age. When children are exposed to this type of concept
early on, their behaviors and view of the world are far more empathetic, loving
and caring. Children raised with the model of interdependence, have a far more
balanced perspective of their relevance to the community as an individual and
as a contributor to the society as a whole.

The SEEDS philosophy is all about community and bringing
people together. We believe it is essential to get children involved with
others so they can learn to develop a sense of community and oneness with other
people. It’s a simple fact that we cannot live without one another. The SEEDS
community is focused on developing the whole child and therefore raising
children to believe they play a key role in the whole community, just like
every other person does. It is essential to use concepts like Ubuntu to help
children understand that though they are unique, wonderful gifts to this earth,
they are also part of a bigger whole. Many of us as parents, teachers,
educators, mentors and so on, forget that while each child is unique and
special in their own way, above all else, it is their special contribution to
the community that is vastly more important. It focuses on the team, on the
group. Without everyone contributing, and looking out for one another, everyone
will eventually fall.
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