Saturday, August 23, 2014

Who and What is SEEDS

SEEDS (Sustainable Early Education Development System) is an innovative program developed by Gregory Lee and Natalie Zartarian.  Mr. Lee, has decades of experience in teaching at the college level.  He has taught in the US and overseas.  He values a student centered educational approach. Ms. Zartarian has worked with preschool though high-school students.  She has worked as a teacher, coordinator and program/curriculum developer.  Both Mr. Lee and Ms. Zartarian understand the need for an independent, interactive and multifaceted learning system. They use STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math, to helps people to learn familiar and advanced concepts.  Both strongly believe learning should be holistic, fun, and understandable.  It should be adaptable to all learning styles and needs. Through their years in education, both Mr. Lee and Ms. Zartarian realized that a program like SEEDS did not exist.  They began their collaboration and developed the SEEDS curriculum using the STEAM concepts (which incorporated teaching the concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math through an interdisciplinary perspectives).  The SEEDS curriculum guides, not only individual self learning, but also community learning and development. 

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