Wednesday, May 20, 2015


If you haven't watched "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss (we watched the Universal 2012 version), you should.  Watch it alone, with a friend, or if you have family (children---no matter what age) everyone should watch it together. 
Quite coincidentally, a seed is a major element of this story.  And, S.E.E.D.S. is all about planting ideas and practices for improving education (especially preschool education).  It is all about freedom of choice for parents, teachers, and students.  We believe in alternatives to the status quo of both public and private education. Our most immediate focus is preschool children.  Brain development is largely done by age three.  This tends to set the tone of a person's learning for the rest of their life.

The family is the basic teaching unit for preschool children.  The current trend is all for pushing academics into preschool levels.  The fact that the current academic programs are dismal failures seems to be irrelevant.  Ten years ago, goals were set in Los Angeles for all students to graduate and be eligible to enter a California university.  Recent reports in Los Angeles (the largest school district in the US) point out that more than half of 10th graders are not on track to graduate. Further reports mentioned no clear plan was put in place 10 years ago.  And in the face of the present crisis, there is a rush to find a plan to implement.  Few seem to question the feasibility and practicality of ALL students graduating and going on to university.  The reality is the majority of college graduates have trouble finding jobs in the field of their majors.  They are either unemployed or underemployed relative to their education.

Our vision for S.E.E.D.S. is to empower parents and teachers to set preschoolers (and anyone interested in learning) on a path to being their own best teachers and life long learners.  The focus is keeping curiosity alive to nurture and foster critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, and being good ethical people.  And as Dr. Seuss says "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It’s not."

Show that you care by subscribing to our blog and sharing it with others.  Visit our Facebook page  Show your support by "liking" the page and getting your friends to do so as well. We care "a whole lot."  That's why we created S.E.E.D.S.  Please join us in our vision and effort to make learning a fun filled life long experience.

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