Finger pointing and the blame game often follow news stories
of lack luster student performance, high drop-out rates, low completion rates,
and similar topics related to the dismal education system. Out of the din, two frequently used words are
responsibility and accountability.
Though these words may ring similar in many ears, here is how a Stanford
University Professor Emerita of Education uses them.

The shift from responsibility to accountability allows
people to maintain the status quo. It does not encourage or push people to take
action and make positive change. Accountability only becomes a necessary
function of thought and process when people have thrown responsibility out of
the window. With responsibility we make a conscious choice to create our
own change. When it comes to education this is imperative. The fact is that
education, especially at the early education and college level is very
expensive. For this reason, it is imperative that we as teachers, parents and educators
encourage a system that values responsibility NOT accountability.
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